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Unlimited Premium Design

150+ Customizable Elements

50+ Landing Pages

Seamless Figma Auto Layout

Color and Text Styles

HTML 5 + CSS 3 Ready

SASS Included

Theme Composer – Figma Template Library Plugin

150+ UI Cards: Refers to the extensive collection of UI elements and components.

Figma Auto Layout: Specifies the integration with Figma’s Auto Layout feature.

Color and Text Styles: Indicates the availability of predefined styles for colors and text.

HTML 5 + CSS 3: Specifies the compatibility with HTML5 and CSS3 for web development.

2 – Consistency Across Designs: Plugins that focus on design systems and style guides contribute to maintaining consistency across projects. They ensure that design elements, colors, and typography align with established brand guidelines.

3 – Access to Icon Libraries and Assets: Designers can use plugins to access extensive icon libraries and other design assets. This saves time that would be spent searching for and importing individual icons or graphics.

2 – Stay Updated: Keep plugins up to date to ensure compatibility with the latest Figma features and improvements. Regularly check for updates and explore new plugins that become available in the Figma Community.

3- Customize Workspaces: Tailor your Figma workspace to include essential plugins for your design process. This helps create a personalized environment that aligns with your workflow and preferences.

Benefits of Theme Composer:

  • Efficient Website Creation: Quickly create a website with ready components from a comprehensive template library, reducing design time and effort.
  • Seamless HTML Generation: Transition from Figma to HTML effortlessly with the integrated HTML generator, ensuring a smooth design-to-code process.
  • Customizable Design: Use the extensive library components to tailor your website design to specific needs, offering flexibility and adaptability.
  • Professional Results: Utilize prebuilt templates and components to achieve a professional and visually appealing web presence with ease.


Q: What is Theme Composer? A: Theme Composer is a Figma plugin designed to simplify website design by providing a template library and an HTML generator. It allows you to create a website with ready components without coding.

Q: How can I use Theme Composer for website design? A: Theme Composer offers over 150 UI elements and 50+ prebuilt landing pages in its template library. You can use these library components to design and generate HTML websites effortlessly.

Q: Can I customize the components provided by Theme Composer? A: Yes, you can modify and customize the library components to fit your specific project requirements, allowing for unique and tailored designs.

Q: Is Theme Composer suitable for beginners? A: Absolutely! Theme Composer is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for designers of all levels, including those with no coding experience.

Q: How does the HTML generator work with Theme Composer? A: The HTML generator in Theme Composer allows you to seamlessly convert the templates generated with Theme Composer into HTML and CSS, ensuring a smooth transition from design to a live website.